Human Thermodynamics :: Blog

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Today we began constructing the first page of the human thermodynamics [HT] website. Our intentions are for this project to eventually culminate to become the official site for information on or related to the thermodynamics of human life. Topics covered are set to include, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Thermodynamics and human life
  2. HT research and discoveries
  3. HT discussions and postings
  4. Links relevant to thermodynamics and human life
  5. HT news and happenings
  6. HT researchers and writers
  7. Books on or related to thermodynamics and human life

Wherein, all such presentations will strive to appeal to the layperson. In this manner, a difficult topic will be made readily enjoyable. One must remember, through all walks of life, everyone is a novice. Lastly, let's view the simple breakdown in terminology inherent within the words human, thermo, and dynamics:


Human = People - built from variations of matter and energy

Thermo = Heat - defined as 'energy in transit'

Dynamics = Movement - being defined by:

  • power, force, distance, time
  • work, change, growth
  • motion, activity, intensity
  • efficiency & equilibrium


Together we have the study of

Heat Movements (between) People



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